PWN Global: Global Executive Lead - New Networks


The Global Executive Lead - New Networks establishes, develops, and expands relationships with individuals and groups interested in establishing new City Networks. 

(S)he makes recommendations to the Board in respect to go/no go decisions on prospective new networks and oversees the start-up phase of City Networks. Core responsibilities also include identifying and building alliance opportunities for existing networks who wish to join the Federation across Europe and beyond. 


Location: Works remotely
Reports to:  VP Membership Experience & Network Development, Member of PWN Global Board
Status: Volunteer
Leadership dimension: Global Executive Lead (GEL)
Budget owner: TBD
Time Commitment: 4-6hrs/wk (variable)
 Notice Period: 1 month
Probation Period 3 months (excluding holidays and inactivity)

 Duties and responsibilities for this role may include:D

  • Supports VP Membership Experience & Network Development (ME &ND) to develop and deliver the New Networks strategy, with the mindset to empower City Networks and act as champions for PWN Global.
  • Makes recommendations to the VP ME & ND and the Board in respect of go/no-go decisions re new networks.
  • Oversees start-up of new networks and provide support for launch.
  • Participates in PWN Global teleconferences from time to time.
  • Correspond with groups and individuals interested in forming new City Networks. 
  • Liaise with Network Sustainability team re co-ordination with existing networks.
  • Disseminate promotional and other relevant materials aimed at presenting PWN Global. 
  • Arrange calls with individuals and groups interested in launching in their geography. 
  • Help organise events (in partnership with local individuals or groups) that ‘test’ the receptivity of cities to hosting a new network.
  • Inform Board Members of formation and progress of new City Networks. 
  • Share New Network toolkit with the newly formed City Networks in the start-up phase and work with the local team to launch the new network. 
  • Ensure that copies of all corporate documents are signed and collected, in liaison with the Secretary General. 

Required Skills and Qualifications:

  • Experience in, and a passion, for Relationship Management and the progress of women in business.
  • Strong sales and analytical skills, as well as relationship management abilities. 
  • Good understanding of PWN Global, its mission and values. 
  • Track record of collaboration, openness, and sharing of knowledge as well as effective delegation. 
  • Fluency in written and spoken English, ideally in addition to other languages. 
  • Speaks, writes, and presents clearly and effectively; solicits input from others.
  • PWN Global network membership and/or Board experience at local CN is appreciated.

Ideal Background/Experience:

  • A minimum of 6 years of progressively responsible business experience, preferably in an international environment. Experience in as many of the following fields as possible: human resource management, law, sales, finance/budgeting, technology, or related areas. 
  • Demonstrated management capabilities in a multicultural and volunteer / non-remunerated environment. 
  • Experience in negotiation, contract management and/or relationship management. 
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, with a sense of diplomacy and collaborative leadership.
  • Working across cultures and fluency in written and spoken English in required in addition to other languages is ideal. 


  • Meet new people online.
  • Access to an international network of great professionals.  
  • Bring your own ideas and innovate.
  • Develop professionally and learn from your peers.

To Apply:

Send your letter of motivation and CV to To discover all of the volunteer opportunities that are currently open with PWN Global, click here

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